Welcome to our Blog! A blog is like a online journal/newsletter/bulletin board, way to keep in touch website,.... sorta... ; ) Anyway it is going to be a great place to keep up with what is happening with the Hubbards! Hopefully I can update this every few days or so, so check back often. We will post pics and updates about what's happening with us and you can leave comments( just remember others can see your comments. So , if you say that Heidi is the cutest baby ever, which of course she is, your sister, best friend, or your own lovely children might see that comment and tend to disagree. Haha...) We hope you enjoy this as much as having creating it. We look forward to hearing from you soon!
God Bless!
Rachel, John, & Heidi
Rachel & John,
It's been a long time and just wanted to say HI. Your baby is so beautiful. I think of you often and miss the days Rachel and I worked together.
I am so glad that things are going well. You two are truly blessed.
Hey, cute blog and, of course, baby. We need to come up there and see you guys sometime. Just wanted to let you know, and maybe it was intentional, your location under the "About Me" is listed as Afghanistan.
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